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Travel Safely by Boat Initial Training

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Learners must possess any one of the following:
a) A valid OPITO Offshore Emergency Response Team Member certificate Or
b) A valid OPITO Offshore Emergency Response Team Member Further Training certificate

This Product aims to provide OERTMs with the opportunity to practice and maintain the skills required when dealing with emergency response situations or incidents as members of an Emergency Response Team, in aspects of their role which they cannot reasonably practise offshore. This Product is for existing offshore emergency team members that are required to revalidate their OPITO OERTM certification by completing training scenarios which they are unable undertake offshore.

The objective of this Product is to set out the basic training, further practice and assessment requirements for Offshore Emergency Response Team Members which will be conducted at an onshore training centre. The learner should recognise that this is only part of a broader training programme. There will also be company and installation-specific emergency response training, most of which will be conducted offshore on a regular basis as offshore drills and exercises.
ACHIEVEMENT OF CERTIFICATION: To successfully achieve the Offshore Emergency Response Team Member Further Training the learner will need to complete the mandatory unit.

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